
Running with two babies is hard.  I once heard that if you pick a calf up and lift him over a fence everyday and continue to do that, that you will be bale to do that same thing when the calf has grown into a cow (it was probably worded better but that was the jest I got from it).  So this was the theory I was banking on.  I thought that if I run with the boys in a stroller everyday from the time they are little, I won't notice them slowly getting bigger and consequently heavier.  Boy was I wrong!  At first it wasn't so bad. I could push those little guys easy for about 3-5 miles...and then all of a sudden one morning as we were running my body was just giving out on me.  It was depressing, but I knew it would eventually happen.  It was getting to the point that we weren't really running consistently anyways.  We would run about half a mile and then I would see two tiny little hand lifted up at me asking for juice, snacks, high fives, or just attention. They had officially reached the stage where it was not so much fun to cheer mama on while she runs.  So I did what any mom would do...I ducktaped a portable dvd player to the stroller so they could watch a movie while I ran.  It worked like a charm, except they were still very heavy and my body was still telling me that it had had enough.

Now I have decided that I only run with the boys when I plan on only running around 3 miles because that is all I can handle.  I wish I could go longer, but I just can't.  I am sure there are some amazing runners out there who just think I am crazy for not being able to keep going (my mom, who is a beast at running!) but it is something I have had to learn to deal with.  That and the fact that my mile pace is crazy slow, but hey, I make up for it in distance, so get off my back.
Now that the boys both go to playgoup on Wednesday, I really cherish and look forward to being able to just go out for a long run by myself, for hours if I want to.  If it happens to rain on Wednesdays I feel like I am being punished.

The boys starting weight running:

Max-16 pounds
Jerry- 8 pounds
Stroller- is about 5-7 pounds.
Grand total of = 29 to 31 pounds

The boys ending far (we will see when I can't run with them at all, lets hope its far away):

Max-37 pounds
Jerry-22 pounds
Stroller 8-10 pounds (we have to count all the toys, snacks, juices, dvd players and whatever they decide to bring along)
Grand Total =67-69 pounds

So if you see me running with the huge double stroller on the side of the road or park and I look like I am about to die...I probably am.  But don't worry my mom will be ahead of me a lot...probably about to mile me, and looking to push the boys for a little bit when I no longer can.  God bless you, you natural runner you!  I only hope I can be in as good of shape as you are!  Until then, I will be happy with what I have, but constantly working on my stride (literally) to get just a little bit farther.

My big race is the end of March and i am excited!  13 miles will be my longest race and I hope to finish a marathon before this winter, we will see how that goes

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