
Things I hope to teach my sons

August 26 is rapidly approaching!  Why is this day so important?   It is important because this is the first day that my children will be going to "school" regularly.  Granted, Max is only going 4 days a week from 8-12, but this is HUGE to me.  These kids are with me ALL THE TIME.  When they are not with me I feel naked and anxious, weird I know.  We are using this little preschool adventure to help make our final decision on homeschooling.

As I was thinking about all the things that Max is going to learn while in school, I started to really think about all the things that are so important for him to learn that school will probably not teach him.  Raising sons can be tough, but here is a random list of things I want my son to learn and hopefully things I will be able to teach him.

1.) Good manners go a long way.  Good manners can make the difference in every single aspect of your entire life.

2.) Happiness is a choice.

3.) Travel is important and almost necessary.  Always take the time and energy to just go!

4.) Never forget a real man can be gentle and strong at the same time.  A real man is gentle with the heart and strong with his hands.

5.) Always proudly claim to be a Mama's boy.

6.) A good book can change your life.  Enjoy the written word.

7.) Value your heart and your intelligence.

8.) Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, that is the only way you will learn important life skills.

9.) If it was important enough to say "I promise" then it is sure important enough to follow through.

10.) There is no such thing as too much kindness.

11.) Shoes are over rated.  Go barefoot as much as possible.

12.) BUT don't forget to wash your feet before you get into bed!

13.) Don't ever chase a woman.  The women that run are not worth catching.

14.) Blood does not make a family.

15.) Your family is the only thing you can count on 100%

16.) Women love to dance, you would be wise to learn how. Practice with Mama :)

17.) Homes are for family expression not good impressions.

18.) Make sure "you clean up nice."  Never be that undressed person in the room.

19.) Winning isn't everything, but if you are going to do something you better do it right.

20.) Life can change in a nanosecond.  Make sure to be flexible to these changes.  A rigid person will only break.

21.) Never be ashamed to have big dreams.

22.) Open doors for ALL women.  Back to that manners things.

23.) All is fair in love and war.

24.) Just because it is normal doesn't make it right.

26.) Always, Always, Always, stand up for your siblings, what is right, and your dreams.

27.) Truly believe that you can change the world.

28.) Never expect anyone to read your mind.

29.)  Asking questions does not make your dumb.

30.) Being smart is important!  Being smart is something that takes work, so work on it!

31.)  Never be embarrassed of your mama's kisses and hugs.

32.) Sometimes it is ok to cry.

33.) Always remember that when you are having a hard day it could be much worse and home will always be here for you.

34.) When you are feeling sad, go outside.  Sometimes just the simple sunshine will cheer you up.

35.) Taking care of animals is NOT the same as taking care of a child.  Never minimize a child by using an animal as a comparison.

36.) When you make something with your hands a little bit of your heart is in the final product.

37.) Always trust your instincts.

38.) It is ok to make mistakes.  We will still love you.

39.) Mama likes moderation.  If I'm having a bad day, chocolate will help.

40.) Always exercise.  It is important to stay healthy.  I want you to be around for a long time :)

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