
mothering stress

Being a mother is stressful all day everyday...when I am thinking about it.  The thing is, the days I sit back and enjoy and not worry about checklists, what this book says, or what these people think, its not stressful at all.  I sometimes find myself overwhelmed with pressure for really stupid things like, "oh my gosh Max doesn't know his right from his left or how to count to 10, I must be doing something terrible!" or "Jerry still refuses to use his fork and tries to eat grass sometimes, I must have really done something to screw him up!"  But then when I sit back and think about it there is nothing wrong with them and if I would just quit freaking out about it all the time it would be so much easier.  Sure Max can't count to 10 yet like the books says he should, but he can sing a lot of songs he has memorized so there is clearly nothing wrong with his brain.   I'm probably just stressing the number thing too much.  And sure Jerry doesn't use his fork, but it is easier not too, so that makes sense...the grass thing I am not quiet sure about.

I am seriously considering home schooling my children.  I am just not a fan of all the stress that is put on these little guys to take tests or keep up with what certain people think ALL kids should know and if they don't then they are deemed to have a problem.  I truly believe both of my children are unique...everyone's child is unique.  I guess what I am wrestling with is I want to homeschool and a lot of people think it is stupid and they will not learn all they need to learn, but I am not sure how sending them to a classroom with 15 plus kids all trying to grasp the same concept at the same time on a regimented pace is going to guarantee they learn "the things they need to know."

I guess a lot of it depends on my children and what they want out of life, but right now I am heavily leaning towards home school.  Any thoughts or tips for home schoolers out there or those who want to home school or even those completely opposed to it?


  1. well i've thought about home schooling too. i agree i would love to teach them things that is overlooked from public schools. like art, music, and thinking for themselves. you just have to do what your family feels comfortable with and everything will be all good. btw dan and i read the part about eating grass and we both cracked up! thats good stuff!!

  2. I think every kid eats grass! And sand, dirt, etc... Totally normal!
    My husband doesn't use a fork a lot of the time (sometimes when he SHOULD, but still, there is NOTHING wrong with that!)
    I definitely agree with you about the homeschooling thing (especially in this area). The only school I would let Riley go to around here if she were here and old enough, would be Holly Creek. It's a really good school and there are so many LESS problems there.
    You are an awesome Mama, so don't stress!
    I think all those books that say that a child should be doing 'this' by a certain age, and 'that' by a certain age, are totally full of crap, because EVERY CHILD IS DIFFERENT. Your boys are adorable and amazing, so forget all the books (where were they years ago? and people turned out just fine). I think half of the things they come up with nowadays to tell parents are just things to say to make money. Like all the pregnancy "do's and dont's" and all that other crap.
