
Mrs. know it all mother for 5 seconds knows it best...

I still consider myself a new mother.  Yes, I have 3 children, but they are all still very young, so in the grand scheme of things I am a new mother.  I am not a new mother to the newborn/baby stage by any means, but for everything else I am a new mother.  Even if I wasn't a new mother and I had children who had grown up left the house and possibly reproduced making me a wonderful fun loving Nana, I would never ever behave the way some women act.

It seems like the moment you are pregnant enough for the world to realize that you didn't just eat a big lunch every single person you encounter has a very specific opinion, "suggestion," or even at times a order for you and your growing baby.  It only gets worse once the baby gets here!  You have the breast feeding Nazi who basically accuses you or poisoning your child with formula (yes I did breast feed, but many of my close friends have not and I support either adopted daughter is drinking the arsenic filled formula after all.)  Then you encounter your crib only crazies who don't think you shouldn't even nap with your child in your arms...they clearly haven't experienced colic, acid reflux, or teething...or they might have full time help, who knows.  Then comes potty training, too early, too soon, yadda yadda yadda...

Please, please, please, please, don't be that mother that thinks she is ALWAYS right and always has an opinion about every single thing you, especially at times when you don't ask.  There are many theories when you are raising children (attachment, Ferber method, baby led weaning) not to mention parenting styles (are you the crunchy mama, tiger mom, hover parent, raising your child with the French style of parenting) and it is often as big of a deal as your religion or political stance, so please people, treat it with a little sensitivity.  The mother you are dissing probably spent a lot of time and energy in deciding every aspect of raising her child, so give her a little respect.  Parenting is hard!  There are so many options and very little time to decide.

I try very hard to only give advice when it is asked.  You will never find me getting into an argument about breast being best or you must do tummy time...because a lot of times breast just doesn't work for some mothers and who knows how much time the baby spends in an ergo...same thing as tummy time (which I was told by a very helpful mama when I was nervous about tummy time).  The point is, you never know what goes on out of the public eye and how the family dynamics work out.  If the children look healthy, happy, and thriving, then leave well enough alone until you are asked for your expert opinion.  Even when you are asked I always like to give the disclaimer that every child and mother is different and you will find what works best for you through trial and error, but this is what I do....

I really wish all these mamas would just give each other a break, we are all trying our best to raise little humans to be good people.  If we would just help out more instead of criticise ALL the time, life would be so much more helping I don't mean advice all the time, I mean offering up a wet wipe to a mother who is out, or watching a diaper bag while a mother chases after an insane toddler on a sugar high.  These small and simple things can really make a good difference in a mother's day...unwarranted advice, skepticism, and criticizing over the mother's lunch choices for her children will only make her life harder and day longer that it already is.

Well that was a little bit of a rant today, but I feel better lol.


  1. This made me laugh. I got the poison comment as well. I'm totally giving the French style a shot minus the cry it out because it breaks my heart!

  2. This cracked me up! Seriously! I just love you and love the way you write. I didn't get to bf very long so I now feed my child poison too haha. And a lot of those parenting methods I haven't even heard of! lol. I'm just kind of winging it and doing what feels right to me. I mean, I figure as long as I feed her, clothe her, keep her relatively clean, play with her, try and teach her to be a good person, and LOVE her hard, that's really all that matters. For every Mama out there that's what should really matter.

  3. This cracked me up! Seriously! I just love you and love the way you write. I didn't get to bf very long so I now feed my child poison too haha. And a lot of those parenting methods I haven't even heard of! lol. I'm just kind of winging it and doing what feels right to me. I mean, I figure as long as I feed her, clothe her, keep her relatively clean, play with her, try and teach her to be a good person, and LOVE her hard, that's really all that matters. For every Mama out there that's what should really matter.
