

Ok when did breastfeeding become such a controversial thing?!  Surprisingly men and a lot of women think its not only weird, but that I am starving my baby!  I just don't get it.
I breastfed Max for 6 months and Jerry for around 8 -9 months and believe me I have had more than my fair share or disapproving looks, comments, and just out right stares.  First of all let me clarify, I am not one of those women that just bare boob feeds my babies in public...or really even at home for the matter.  I always have a cover of some sort.  However, even with a cover people acted like I should go hide in a dark closet and shut the door to do "my business!"  Those of you that have small babies on the boob know that if you only breastfed at home then you would literally never leave the house!  Those little guys have to eat every 2-3 hours and it can take an hour just to get out of the house sometimes.  By the time Jerry got here I was a pro at breastfeeding in public and I am proud to say we haven't had any major wardrobe malfunctions that would make anyone uncomfortable.  I used to think people got so upset about public breastfeeding because some women do breastfeed bare boob in public, so I thought I would never encounter these people who are just outraged by it, but I surely did.  Then I thought they were just upset because I guess it could be possible that a cover could slip off or something, but no, they were outraged by just the act of breastfeeding! I have had a woman tell me, "why do you waste your time breastfeeding when they have made formula so much better for the baby than breastmilk?"  Seriously?!  You think that they have come up with something better?  You really need to check your sources.  Thankfully everyone in my family is very pro-boob, so I never encountered any family problems or objections.  They were also never gave me an uncomfortable look when I hand over a bottle of pumped breastmilk if I was going to be gone to long to make it back to the next feeding.  Weirdly enough, some people are even freaked out about that!  Hand over a bottle of pumped breastmilk to any teenage babysitter or nursery watcher at church and just watch them wiggle with the uncomfortable feeling they have.

It got to the point that I was just tired of dealing with all the looks so I did everything possible to minimize breastfeeding at restaurants, other people's houses, malls, etc.
1.) I was a big fan of "the top off" as Reed called it.  I would always make sure to feed the boys just before I put them in the car, even if they had just ate.  I wanted to make sure their tank was full.
2.)I retreated to the car a lot to feed the boys!  Thankfully my car has a dvd player, so I wasn't completely exiled.
3.)I always made sure I had a bottle of breastmilk with me and I just prayed the boys would take the bottle from me.  Those who breastfeed know that the baby is rarely going to take a bottle from the mom because they prefer the real thing!

I just wish it would just be more socially acceptable to have babies in the world.  I never realized how many people are so anti-baby until I have two of my own!

Also I want to say I know breastfeeding is not for everyone and a lot of times it just doesn't work out.  The beginning is extremely hard to master...not to mention painful for the first couple weeks.  I don't give you disapproving stares for giving your baby formula, so don't judge me or my babies for being on the boob team.  I'm not a better mom for breastfeeding and your not the better mom for formula.  To each their own, we all have to find what works best for us.  Were all on the same team, so just give it a rest!


  1. AMEN!!! I'm pro-boob. lol... Definitely planning on using these huge things for something!!!

  2. Thankfully, in the state of Oklahoma, breastfeeding is totally protected under the law. You are allowed to breastfeed in any place where you're allowed to BE. :) I thought I would be one of those boob out breastfeeders, but since we still haven't really mastered it, I would be flopping my boob around for like five minutes before it was covered by Aven. lol I'm always more nervous in public then I think I'm gonna be. Pro-boob! :)
