
Baby Weight

Baby weight sucks!!!  It just sticks around forever and ever!  I know celebrities are not real people and its their job to look good, but its an impossible standard to live up to.  How do these women loose all their baby weight in less than 3 months?!  I would like to think that if I have a cook, personal trainer, nanny, and unlimited extra money that I would look as good as Heidi Klum shortly after having a baby, but I just know I wouldn't.  I am one of those unfortunate souls that has always struggled with making sure I do not gain weight.  My metabolism just sucks big time!  Not to mention I can get addicted to sugar pretty easy.
I was also the type of pregnant woman who just gets pregnant was not cute to say the least!  No matter how much I worked out my legs, arms, and back there was no stopping the undeniable fat spreading all over my body.  It was pretty depressing, but when I learned that I had gained my 26 pounds at only 6.5 months I knew it was only going to get worse from here so I just buried myself in sweet treats.  In my defense, the last few crazy pounds that I put on were completely out of my control.  On my last doc appointment I was informed that I had gained 11 pounds in just a week!!  Absolutely nuts!  Yep, it was preeclampsia's fault that is just brought on my really sucky bad luck, but still I was getting bigger and bigger whether I could control it or not.  On delivery day with Max I am embarrassed to say that I had gained a crazy 65-69 pounds, went up 4 jeans sizes and had approximately 4 chins...yuck.  A lot of it was preeclampsia's fault, but also a lot of it was completely my fault.
When I was finally in the clear to work out again 6 weeks later after the c-section I thought it would be easy.  After all, I love to workout, lift weight and run.  I am being serious, I really do love it. However, my body was fighting mad at me for torturing it for 8 months.  My knees couldn't stand to run on the extra weight and my stomach muscles felt like they were ripped in two.  So I had to do the unthinkable and start at square something I have never experienced in my life.  I started walking and having to use a huge exercise ball for my stomach work outs.  Slowly, I was able to run.  The day I found out I was pregnant with Jerry I was successfully running 4 miles (and loving every minute of it) back to a size 8 jeans (which I was pretty proud of considering I was in 12-14 territory not that long ago), and I had lost 66 pounds!  I was happy, and I vowed never to do it again...of course I did it again!

I gained around 60-65 pounds with Jerry and of course I was pregnant everywhere again.  It really sucked big time because I was actually taking steps to prevent it.  I was eating right and still running, until I was informed that I couldn't run anymore.  Honestly, I don't know how it happened.  The weight is coming off slower this time and sadly I am still not back to where I want to be :(  I have lost 55 pounds, but I am still carrying around that stupid little lower belly flab all women who have made a human being have.  I am back to my comfy size 8 jeans, but I really want to be in my size 6.  When I really get depressed I have to step back and look at what I have accomplished.  I really have lost a lot of weight and made two human beings.  Sounds pretty super to me!  I know I have a way to go to look the way I want, but I am taking the approach now that I am not going to stress about it.  I love to run, so I have a theory that if I just keep signing myself up to run in races I will train harder and loose more weight (or I guess inches, because at this point I am not too concerned about my weight number I just want to look more toned.)  So far it is working, but we will see what this holiday season of yummy feasts brings on.

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