
I'm not an "earthy mama"....right?

There are so many parenting styles out there and I think I am a mix of all of them, but every now and then somebody will say something that makes eludes to the facts I am completely earthy!  The other day I asked Autumn to pick me up some wipes from the store, she knows I am really specific about the things I want so she calls me to ask which kind, and of course I missed the call.  Once I finally realize and call her back she is already done but says, "I was just calling to see which wipes you wanted, but then I remembered everything you have is 'natural' so I got you the natural care wipes with aloe."  Great, that is exactly what I would have gotten, but what does she mean by natural?  I never thought of myself as that way.  She thinks it just evolved after I had babies and I am now a complete natural, earthy mom type.  I still don't completely see it.  I guess I could be an "earthy type of mama" because:

* I do cloth diaper my children...but I started this to save money and because Jerry's skin is so sensitive that if he wears a disposable for more than a few hours at a time he will break out in a huge rash.
Rumparooz are the best!! 

* I did breastfeed for quiet a long time in todays standards...but I absolutely hated the first month (both times) and it was very beneficial to me because it helped take all the baby weight off.  Also it saved us a ton in formula, which both boys never liked the taste of.
* I do make all my own baby food...but this is because I don't trust what anyone else thinks qualifies as healthy.
*I am a huge believer in co-sleeping...there is not really a but to this. I believe that it is one of the best things you can do, but its not always comfy when a 2 and 1 year old are putting their feet in your face in the middle of the night.  I think I am about to cut off the co-sleeping and the two of them can continue to co-sleep, while I co-sleep with my husband :)

Our naps are the best!

*I am a huge baby/toddler wearer...I can see how this bonding is good and bad.  I carried Max around in a sling/carrier so much that for months I was the only one he would let hold him, but we are so close and I love it.  I still carry him around all the time and he is 2 years old.  I wore Jerry everywhere after he was born, but it was really helpful, I really needed my hands to keep up with a 16 month old.  Jerry is kinda in an independent stage right now, but he is still held probably more than he walks.
Love this wrap...especially when they are little and cuddly

Not sure if its considered baby wearing if it not a wrap, but Max like the Bjorn and Jerry liked the wrap.

*I do believe organic is the best and my kids snub most stuff that isn't organic, especially milk...but who doesn't think this way anymore?!
*Yoga loving both me and my children...but we are not really that good, or at least I am not.
*The controversial vaccine issue- I don't believe that my child needs to have a shot for hep B just minutes old.  Could someone please explain to me how my child could possibly come in contact with this?!  Such a new and pure little human does not need to be dosed up with vaccines just hours old, in my opinion.  Max has had some of his shots...but only the ones I feel comfortable with.  He will probably get more when he is older and his body is more able to take on such a shock.  Jerry also has a few.
*I truly believe in chiropractic and holistic medicine...because it works.
*All of our cleaning products are made from plants or 7th generation...but that is just because they work the best and smell better.

There is probably more things I do that my sister or anyone else would classify as earthy, but I really don't see them until someone points them out.  I think it is more just personal preference than earthy...what do you think?


  1. Amber you are an inspiration. when dan and i have kids i am totaly clothe diapering, and i told my mom this and she just laughed at me. i don't think they realize how much things have changed!!! i love reading about organic lifestyles so keep up the good blogging!!

  2. I knew most of this about you, but never one time have I ever though you were an "earthy mama". I guess it just seems normal to me. Whether I do any of the above or not, to me you're just a "mama". Every mama is different, so I guess I've never though about classifying moms other than "loving and caring" or "uncaring, unloving and selfish". :)
