
Welcome to our family

Welcome to our family,
 We are Reed, Amber, Max and Jerry.  We live in a small town in Oklahoma and love every minute of it.  Reed and I are blessed with two wonderfully loud, energetic, and loving sons.  Max is our oldest (1-2-09) and thinks he is completely in charge and  Jerry (5-24-10) is the little brother, but thinks he is just as big, if not bigger than Max.
We have been married for 3 years and we both believe we are soul mates


We have started our adoption journey and we are very excited.  We just know Max and Jerry will be the best big brothers.  We are homestudy complete and just waiting for a birthmother to find our family.  One of our many adoption profile is listed at

Many people are confused by us going to independent adoption route.  Well to explain it the nicest was I know how, many adoption agencies feel its right to put an amount of love a family is able to give to children.  Due to the fact that we are blessed with 2 wonderful boys, many agencies stated that we were not a priority.  Many agencies were as rude as to say, "a birthmother is not even going to consider your family because your family is simply too large and your children are too young."  Well thank you very much, but I fully believe that a child benefits more by entering the world having many people love him/her already, instead of entering a home where they are the only child.  Why would you want your child to have the love of only 2 people (the mother and father) when a child can be surrounded by love from siblings?  My first son entered the world with many people loving him, however my second son was even more blessed because when he was born he already had a best friend, Max! 
Yes, my children are pretty close in age, but that is how we love it! If I had it my way, they would be even closer in age.  I love that my children will be experiencing the same life experiences as they grow.  Is it hard sometimes?  Well of course it is!  Is it worth it?  Yes!  I have my moments when I realize I have been changing dirty diapers for 3 years straight and I get a little tired...but before I even have finished the diaper change I find my self wishing a birthmother would hurry up and find us so I can enjoy this precious baby time a little longer and so all my children will be babies together! 

Our first family picture when the boys were very little. We realized nobody was going to smile and say cheese like they are supposed to, so we thought why not capture the craziness and love of it all!

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