
Crazy...I don't think so!

 I have always wanted my children close together and so has Reed.  He was an only child, so he always wanted his children to have a really close bond.  We decided to have another baby pretty quick so Max would have sibling really close to him.  Everyone thought I was crazy and that I wasn't going to go through with it. I wanted to loose all the baby weight before I got pregnant again.  I didn't just want to add to an amount that would be impossible to get off.  I am proud to say I lost 65 pounds in 7 months!  I vowed to never gain that much weight during pregnancy again.  Determined to have my babies close together we decided to just see what happens and see if I was one of the lucky women that are able to get pregnant while still breastfeeding.

 Well we did!  We happily announced our pregnancy before Max was even walking!  Max was just starting to not be a boob man anymore.  Yeah people freaked out a little.  "How are you going to be able to handle this?" "What were you thinking?"  "Not busy enough already?"  We knew we could do it and that is what we wanted.  We just had to pray that this pregnancy would be easier than Max's.  What are the chances at just really sucking at being pregnant?  Pretty good it turns out!

This was the day of Max's 1st birthday!  I was already pretty pregnant!
The first few months of my pregnancy were great.  Only all day sickness, but I was used to that.  I mean it wasn't that long ago that I was pregnant with Max!  Reed was just now getting used to not seeing me as a massive fat woman, but this time the pregnant belly came out faster than before.  I was in the maternity pants in 2 months!  Luckily at this time it was just the belly so it was kinda cute, but inappropriately big for being this early on.  Max thought the belly was a great pillow and race track for his cars.  Running after a toddler all day also was great at keeping the weight off!  My belly got huge, but luckily my legs stayed small.  Then the weight started showing up everywhere!  I had no idea why.  Was it preeclampsia again at just 27 weeks?!  Emergency appointment with my doctor and he says no preeclampsia, you just suck at being pregnant, it's like your body is rebelling.  Great...just what I wanted to hear.  I knew I would be having a c-section this time because I had one last time, so I was at least glad I didn't have to play the waiting for labor game.

30 weeks into the pregnancy I developed bleeding ulcers in my stomach and extreme heartburn that made my throat constantly bleed.  Ice cream was the only thing that really soothed any of here comes more pounds!  I didn't gain 65 pounds this time, just 60!  UGH!   The ulcers and heartburn lasted the whole pregnancy, but at least I could deal with those at home!  2 scares of prelabor and my doctor moved the date up to May 24th for my csection.
It was so easy.  Walked into the hospital, checked in, walked to the emergency room, and 10 minutes later Jerry was here!  Amazing!  I got to hold him while they were still sewing me up and then after I was done he was in the room working on breastfeeding just 20 minutes later!  Such a different experience.  It was peaceful, relaxing, and our whole family got to be there to enjoy his first few newborn days at the hospital.  Max loved his new brother and tried to hold him all the time.

Discharged me from the hospital in 4 days and I was so happy to be leaving...little did I know I would be back.  Turns out my body reacted bad to my spinal.  I now had spine fluid leaking into my brain or something.  On a scale of 1-10 the pain was 100!!!  I never felt this much pain in my life.  I got to the point I wasn't even thinking clearly and was hallucinating.  Doctors told me to wait it out 2 days and it usually clears up on its didn't!  Finally went back to the hospital, had a blood patch, and I was back to normal again...except for the nagging pain in my back from have a needle stuck in it twice in less than a week.

2 weeks of amazing perfect baby bliss at home.  Jerry was the best eater!  Max was the best brother.  It was all so easy I had no idea what these people who were scared were talking about.  I go back to my doctor for my 2 week checkup and he gives me that bad news.  No more babies for you.  Your body just hates it too much and I don't know if you or the next baby would make it though another pregnancy.  Dreams=crushed!

2 perfectly healthy babies and I was upset?!  Whats wrong with me?  Yeah I just want lots of children, 3 or 4.  Don't get me wrong I loved every minute of Jerry's newborn days, but I was sad I thought it would be my last one, so I cherished every single moment.  Then we started thinking adoption and it was the answer to our prayers!

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