
And Baby Makes 3 :)

My pregnancy with Max was terrible to say the least!  Pregnancy does not do well with my body.  All day sickness the whole pregnancy, insane mood swings, and the pregnancy glow everyone talks about...well it lasted about 12 weeks and then all I did was break out!  I always felt like something was wrong the whole pregnancy, nothing felt quite right.  However, I am a known hypochondriac, so this was not unusual to everyone else.

32 weeks pregnant
Towards the end of my pregnancy I gained a crazy 40 pounds!  Then the terrible happened.  At a regular checkup my doctor came in the room not looking like his happy self.  He informed me that I had preeclampsia and I would be checking into the hospital immediately.  Umh....what?!  What is the pre word I hear?!  I hadn't gotten to that part of the book yet, but I am guessing its not good.  Luckily Reed had gone to this checkup with me, so he was able to get the important parts of it while I was wheeled to the hospital and checking in.  Turns out the doctors and nurses did not want a known hypochondriac to know exactly what preeclampsia is...which I am really grateful for now, but then it was incredibly frustrating!

About 7 and a half weeks from my due date, I was told to make myself comfortable in the hospital that I would be here for a while.  Only allowed to get out of bed to shower and pee was miserable.  Before I knew it I was swelling up like a hot air fingers looked like sausage finger and my ankles were non longer there.  Who gets stretch marks on the knees?!  Well I did! 65 pounds gained total!  I know what you are pig!  Nope I couldn't help it...turns out preeclampsia makes you gain weight like a sumo wrestler! Nurses came to take blood about every 4 hours and then would leave telling me to relax!  Who relaxes in a hospital?  Nobody! There are nurses there every hour checking on your blood pressure, baby heart beat, how much you had to pee, and asking strange questions and me just hoping I get the answers right.  When the nurse would come in, whoever was in the room at the time would all just stare at me like I was a crazy science project.  Then it day I answered a question wrong.  The nurse asked, "Having any headaches today?"  I said, "I have had the worst headache all day, my ears are even ringing."  Next thing I know my doctor is in the room discussing "football" in the corner with my husband.  They always tried to keep the mood light and fluffy so I wouldn't stress because if I did my blood pressure would go this point I still didn't know preeclampsia was blood pressure related.  Their "football" discussion ended with my in a crazy helicopter ride to Shreveport to a hospital with a better neonatal unit.  Everyone filled me in at this point finally!  My blood pressure was incredibly too high and if we didn't deliver the baby we would probably both die.  Reason #2 they didn't tell me...I said no.  It was 6 weeks before the due date and I knew that would be scary and that Max would have a hard time being born this early.  They didn't care what I had to say.  After a crazy helicopter ride and a meeting with a very arrogant doctor that would be delivering my baby in a couple hours I was starting to get scared.

The time finally came to have my c-section.  Blood pressure was to high to even think about labor.  I thought the room would be pretty empty for a surgery, but it wasn't.  There was 4 people by my head, 2 doctors cutting me open and a whole neonatal team for Max.  Scary?  Yes!  Max was born at 8:36 am and he came out screaming, which was what I prayed for over and over.  I heard crying was always a very good sign for premature babies.  I saw him for about 3 minutes before they took him to the nursery.  My recovery took longer than most to keep my blood pressure stable, but soon I was back in the room waiting to see Max.  Then I got the bad news.  I would not be seeing Max for a while, he is in the NICU and I am not allowed to get up because I am still on some type of medicine for blood pressure that has a rule that you can't move much.  12 hours later and I had had enough!  I informed my nurse that if she didn't take me to see my baby I would be jerking these iv's out myself and going to see him.  Surprisingly they took me serious and let me see him!

He was adorable and so tiny.  Tubes and iv's all over him, so I couldn't hold him, but I could hold his little hand.  He got better and better everyday and finally after 3 days I was able to hold him!

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