
Making it Through Max's early months.

Max had a pretty rough start in the world, which means I had a rough start as a parent.  I always thought I would be a "natural" and not be nervous, just kinda naturally know what I am supposed to be doing.  I was so nervous with Max that I second guessed EVERYTHING!  After 6 weeks of being extremely tense I finally started to feel better, but Max was still different than any other newborn I had every experienced.

Oh the throw up!  Max had such bad acid reflux that he didn't keep half of what he ate!  I constantly had throw up on my clothes, hair, or most times both.  I felt bad for the poor little guy, but it was also pretty frustrating that I had a constant odor on me.  After I realized that this was not going to kill him ( I thought everything was going to kill Max for the longest time), I quit obsessing about how much he was throwing up and started thinking of ways to keep myself almost throw up free.
Did I really just throw up again?! 

1.) I never put on my "going out shirt" until I was in the car after Max was buckled up.

2.) I always had a second going out shirt in the car because it was like a law that Max had to throw up on me at every important event just as soon as we got there.

3.) Perfume, perfume, and perfume.  I always had a little tester perfume in my pocket just to spray on my clothes.  Wet wipes usually  get the mess off, but the smell will remain.

4.)Max always had 3 changes of clothes with him at all times and a was the most moisturized baby you had ever met.  All the baby lotion helped mask the constant smell of baby throw up.

5.) The store bought burp rags are the biggest pieces of junk I have ever seen!  Thank goodness several women had made homemade burp rags out of real good fabric that was able to clean up any mess Max threw at me.

6.) And lastly, when that really rude person walks up to you and says "gross, what is that on your shirt?!"  Its best to just smile and say, "I'm sorry, have you met my son Max?  Would you like to hold him?"  Then they can first hand experience exactly what it is on my shirt!

An unsuspecting, but not rude victim! 

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