

My children love music, I love music, so it is natural assumption that to get my children to sleep I would sing lullabies to them.  I have always sung one particular lullaby to my children, basically since the day they were born.  I heard this lullaby from my Aunt Lynda who sang it to us constantly.  I would hear this song echoing from my littlest sister's nursery several times of the day.  So it is safe to say I know this song by heart.

For the longest time I thought she made up the song...she had been known to make a lot of things up, facts, rules, weather predictions, but songs especially.  I had never heard anyone else sing this song, I mean EVER, until the movie "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" (great movie!).  Thought it was a weird song choice and that they made it sound creepy. Some of the words were different than what I had always heard.  For example, we always said "you and me and the Lord makes 3..." instead of Lord they said "Devil."  So I figured it was the Devil word that made it sound creepy and that the women's voices' sounded possessed.  Never thought about the song again...

Years and years later I have my own children and this is the first lullaby that I always sing when I sit down to rock my children.  I seriously sang this song to Max in the NICU...that is how long my children have heard this song.  Never think twice about singing it to them.  Then one day I am rocking Abilene to sleep and a friend is over waiting for her to sleep so we can have a little tv and junk food.  She looks over at me like I am crazy and says "What kind of song is that?!" I still didn't think much of it because I just think its a lullaby, just like any other lullaby out there.  I told her its just a lullaby I like to sing to the kids to get them to sleep.  She then informs me that it sounds very very morbid and like I am wanting to kill my children in their sleep.  Um excuse me, WHAT?!

Thanks to Google, we look up the lyrics and the meaning...yeah its not good.  So for the past 4 years I have been singing a morbid lullaby to all 3 of my children!!!  Now I know they don't know what it means and probably don't even pay attention to the words, I sure didn't, but it seems kinda weird now.  So I have been trying to not sing that song anymore and Max demands that I sing it to him. He is a slave to a routine and can't stand any change ups...even if it is in song selection.  So I will continue to sing this song.  The question is, why in the world do people write morbid lullabies?!  So unsuspecting mothers can sing them to their children and then one day be as freaked out as I was?  I have great memories with this lullaby because of Aunt Lynda and with my children, so I like to associate the good memories with it, but I was also never a person so analyze lyrics, meanings, or even get all the words right...obviously!  I can just hope that my children grow up and realize that the song was sang out of love and not out of intent for them to die, be poisoned, have their father leave...etc...Seriously a lot of bad meaning with this song.

The part of the movie where the song is played

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