
Confession- I have a favorite child

I have a favorite child!  There I said it!  So glad to finally get that off my chest!  I am completely ok with having a favorite child because, and now this is the crucial part, my favorite child changes every single day.  My favorite child is really all dependent on who is pissing me off the least that day.  All 3 of my children are amazing and possibly the best children on Earth, but there are days that I like one of my children more than the others.  I do believe they all get their equal share of favorite days and I never outwardly show favoritism to my children, but on days where 2 out of the 3 of my children are acting like they are possessed by demons, it is a natural reaction to favor the other one, just for that day, or sometimes, even just for that moment.  They all have their good traits, but all 3 also have very distinct and different traits that will drive you bat shit crazy.   Examples:

Max has an obsessive personality with a hint (who am I kidding, let's not sugar coat it) an extreme amount of anxiety.  He gets obsessed with one particular toy, and no, it's not the same toy every day.  When he is having this obsession with a toy, he takes it EVERYWHERE.  I mean you better seriously hope this toy is water proof because it is going in the bath or shower with him.  The obsession isn't that bad...when it gets bad is when is looses it.  All life has to stop while we look for this toy.  He gets extremely anxious the longer it takes to find it and almost goes into the shakes.  A lot of people, my husband included, do not understand that if you can just find the toy the crisis will be over and we can move one.  Once we find the toy, life is good again, but when you encounter a person who thinks they know better and will refuse to stop their life to help him find the object of his affection for the day, it turns into a full blown anxiety ridden, crying, screaming, shaking melt down.  On days that he looses his toy and we look every where and I somehow find it in the freezer at the end of the day after I had already endured hours of stress, screaming, and crying from both him and myself...he is not my favorite.

Jerry has a very distinctly loud, annoying, make your teeth hurt whine.  I have sat for a long time trying to think of the way to describe it and I just can't.  You would seriously have to hear it, but for your sake, I hope you never encounter it.  Maybe the many victims of his whine will be able to help me describe it?  This little whine was probably a defense mechanism when he was younger and Max was toddling around taking his toys away, but now he just does it anytime he wants to be noticed, doesn't get his way, does get his way, hungry, tired, thirsty, or just for fun.  If we don't get invited somewhere, say to a supper or birthday party, it is probably because of Jerry's whine.  So on days that Jerry is using his whine on the level of torture...he is not my favorite.

Abilene is a princess and she expects to be treated as such...meaning you can never ever ever put her down!  She likes to be carted from room to room to survey what is going on from the safe place of the ergo or in your arms.  The minute you put her down and she doesn't want to be put down she lets out this bobcat sounding cry that you can't ignore even for a few minutes.  So on days that I don't get to eat, shower, or even take a sip of water...she is not my favorite.

BUT then there are days when Max is amazingly understanding, helpful and loving.  On those days, he is my favorite.

Then a day comes when Jerry uses nice worlds for talking and spends most of the day giggling, which is the best sound ever.  On those days, he is my favorite.

And of course, the day happens when Abilene likes to sit and chat it up with me while I fold laundry and give me constant reassuring smiles.  On those days, she is my favorite.

Disclaimer-  I love all my children unconditionally and they mean the World to me.  I NEVER show favoritism when regarding love...simply put, somedays I like one of my children more than the others.  I love them all equally ALL the time.

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