
Max Thomas!

My little man officially turned 4, which seems impossible!  I have a preschooler in my house now! Bye Bye toddler Max, hello Mr. Smarty-Charming Pants Max. Max came into this world in a very unpredictable manner and ever since he has been completely unpredictable  So, to celebrate Max's entrance into the big kid world I will share some of my favorite and not so favorite things about Max.  Ultimately what makes Max one of the most original kids ever born (other than Jerry and Abilene of course).

* Max HATES the cold weather.  Most children would jump for joy when it snows, not Max.  Everyday when he woke up and there was still snow on the ground he would just say "When is this dang snow leavin?!"

*Obviously Summer is Max's prime time.

* Max is part fish.  Best. Swimmer. Ever.

*As much as Max loves the water,  he absolutely hates the rain.  We seriously can't leave the house if it is raining because if water gets on his shoes, shirt or heaven forbid his hair he goes into complete freak out mode.

*Hates to be sticky and since his brother is in a sticky phase constantly he makes Jerry wash his hands every time he wants to play with a new toy.

* Love/Hate relationship with dinosaurs.  Loves  to play and learn about them, however anytime he is scared it is a dinosaur's fault.

* Max has an obsessive personality.  Once he has figured out he likes something, he is completely consumed by it.

* He as an excellent memory!  This kid can seriously remember something from weeks, if not months ago.

* Max grew up riding and driving 4-wheelers and rangers, therefore he has absolutely no desire to learn how to ride a bike.  I have tried to teach him several times and he just looks at me like I am crazy and asks where the gas is.

* My little runner.  Ever since Max was about one and half, when we would go for a run I would let him out of the stroller for about the last 200 yards and let him run out all his energy on the way home.  I have slowly increased the distance every time and he is up to running 3/4 of a mile without stopping and at a pretty good pace I might add :)  I'm not saying he is running at an Olympian speed or even that he has running potential, all I know is that he enjoys it and I am very impressed.

* The most compassionate and nurturing little boy ever.  He has a very kind heart and soul.  He hates to see anyone hurt, especially his siblings.  Sometimes he seems to instinctively know when I need a hug or a kind word.

* Fiercely loyal to his siblings and those he loves most.  There have been several instances where Jerry has been pushed down or hit on a playground and before I can make it over to the situation Max has already retaliated verbally and physically.  I never apologize for his behavior or actions when he does this.  Jerry is very very small for his age and in the kid world this is like having a giant target on your forehead.

* Very picky eater!  Max went on a actual hunger strike for over a week surviving off only water and pancakes for breakfast!

* Oh yeah, did I mention he is extremely stubborn, headstrong, and persistent.

* Schedule oriented.  Same schedule everyday come hell or high water.

* When he is scared he covers his ears instead of his eyes...I know weird.

* Completely untamable cowlick on the back of his head.

* Dances just like his rhythm, no moves, but absolutely adorable and he knows it.

* Kicked out of gymnastics for being "too spirited"  In other words he is very loud, in your face, and not that great at standing in line (but what little kid is?!) Karate is more up to our speed.

* Sometimes he just has a bad day and when need to stay home because nothing will go right that day.

Max, you truly are one of a kind.  I love you more than you could ever imagine.  The day you came into our lives you made our life a little more colorful and fun.  I can't believe you are 4!!  You are an amazing little person that reminds me daily, if not hourly to embrace life as it is and enjoy every minute.

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