My top 5 sins that bother me the most:
1.) I feed my children mac n cheese, ramen noodles, and (gasp) McDonalds Chicken nuggets!!
I hate doing this! It literally makes me cringe, but they just love it sooo much. I try and only feed them this stuff in a pinch or when they absolutely refuse to eat anything else. I tried the rule "they will eat when they are hungry" and it didn't work!! Max went on hunger strike for 3 days once, only living off juice and milk. I was standing strong that if he didn't eat any of the healthy food I gave him, then he would get nothing else. The kid absolutely refused everything I made and I even broke out the good stuff like blueberry waffles and chocolate chip pancakes...nothing. Fortunately, Jerry broke in just a few hours and he will thankfully eat anything I give him now, but Max landed himself in the hospital! I officially felt like the worst mom in the whole entire world. No matter how many times the doctor told me that it was not my fault and I was just doing what thousands of parents do, it still killed me! The poor little guy had drank so much milk that it severely constipated him and he had to spend a whole day and night in the hospital. Now anytime Max won't eat for a whole day, the next day I make the dreaded drive to McDonalds and embarrassingly order his "happy meal."
2.) There are some days I let my boys watch 2-4 hours of tv a day!
I try and never have the tv on for more than one episode at time 3 times a day (morning cartoon-Mickey Mouse, after nap cartoon-Dora and our wind down family cartoon in our bed that is different everytime = usually about and hour to 1.5 hours a day. ) There are some days that I am just tired or need to get some laundry done, so I turn on the tv and just let zone out to the tv until I am done. I really hate that my children love tv so much because I love to play with them and see their imaginations at work, but sometimes it is necessary.
3.) Sometimes I just let my toddlers cry it out.

4.) My children throw super market/walmart type of fits in public and home and I just ignore the action completely!
Toddlers are notorious for fit throwing and my children are famous for it! Its embarrassing and they will inevitably throw a fit or act up when there are a ton of people around. I promise I have great and well mannered children...except sometimes they turn into gargoyles and act completely nuts! I don't think I am doing a bad job parenting them, but I always get the bad parent look when I don't grab my kids up and spank them the minute they start a fit. I have found it is best to completely ignore the fit throwing all together. If their fit doesn't get any attention whatsoever, I think they will eventually stop because it doesn't even get them a look. I go so far as to pretend I don't even see or hear them when they are throwing a fit. This is hard to do in public because people always stare. Don't get me wrong, I do spank my kids sometimes, but I don't think it is effective just because of a fit. At home its easy to just carry them to a time out chair and they know they can't get up until they are done, but in public it can get difficult.
5.) Sometimes I just say "yes" because its easiest!

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