
I will get there eventually

I have never been a fast runner, but I have always been able to just keep on going slowly for quiet a ways.  When I say I am not fast, I mean it...10 minute miles are accomplishments for me!  So I decided that I would give myself the goal of running the half marathon in Dallas.  I had no idea how to train and I really didn't have much time to do it, especially since I am usually pushing both the boys when I am running and I know I am not going to get very far doing that.  I partially set the goal of running it to loose some weight in get in shape for the summer and the other part was because I always wanted to run a full marathon and I figured this was a stepping stone to it.  I did loose some weight while I was training, but not as much as I wanted to, so I still have a little bit to go, but what I also realized is that running a full marathon is going to be very very very very hard!!  

I was supposed to run with a friend from Dallas, but we showed up to the race at different times and with the crowd of people it was impossible to find each other in time.  I think we finished about 5 minutes apart from each other, but we never saw each other.  I was doing great the first 7 miles thinking that this race was going to be a piece of cake!  I was able to keep up with the pace leader of a 2 hour 30 minute finish time and it was feeling easy....and then the 2 mile hill came.  I was able to keep up and started thinking that maybe a 2 hour 45 minute finish time would be ok with me for my first time.  Before I knew it I was with the 3 hour pace and dealing with my frustration and exhaustion at the same time.  If I could have just let it go and be happy that I was finishing, like I kept telling myself over and over while I was training, I probably would have finished better, but I was too frustrated to even think about it.  The last 2 miles were excruciatingly painful.  I had never had a cramp in my knee before, but it was happening and I knew if I stopped to walk or stretch that it would only get worse.  So unfortunately my finish line pictures look more than pathetic and I look swollen and dehydrated at the same time, if that is even possible.  As soon as I crossed the finish line I was so proud that I made it and then I thought ok...go do that again right now and you have your marathon!!  Lets just say I am going to have to train a whole lot more before I can even begin to think of running a marathon.  

The best part of the whole experience was getting to watch my boys cheer me on.  Reed, Max and Jerry were all there yelling for me and even Autumn was there at the end to buy me my 13.1 sticker and give me a big hug not caring that I was covered in sweat.  When I crossed the finish line the time said 3 hours and 5 minutes.  I technically accomplished my goal because i finished. but I was really hoping for 2 hours and 30-45 minutes.  I guess I will just have to do it again :)  
The beginning of the race, not even the sweaty and disgusting yet 
At the end, just about to die!

So happy to be finished!! Even if I do look terrible and there is some weird guy in the background.  

*Don't worry I paid for this pictures, but they only come in hard copies, so I took these off the internet.

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