
My time....

I think every wife and mother is faced with the particular dilemma of trying to figure out when we can have time for ourselves!  Most of the time I just crave the moments when I can drink a huge glass of sweet tea, eat a huge bag of popcorn, and watch something shamelessly girly or trashy on T.V.  without someone asking for a drink, bite, or listening to my husband groan if I flip the channel to lifetime, oxygen, or tlc.  However, every time I am presented with this opportunity I feel immediately guilty or selfish.  I should be cherishing every moment I have with my children while they are still young and want to spend every second with me and I should be ecstatic that my husband wants to spend time with me after 3 years of marriage and 2 toddlers later (I would think most men would be running for the hills!).  But I really need some "me" time!

Most of the time I only allow myself to be selfish after everyone in my house has gone to sleep and then I am faced with deciding if I need sleep or "me time" more.  It's almost an impossible decision!  Usually sleep wins...but there are times that I will stay up till 2 or 3 in the morning catching up on tv shows, surfing facebook, reading/writing blogs, etc...  And of course the next day I immediately regret every minute of it because I am exhausted and nap time seems like a distant dream.

Luckily, a friend has just moved back into town and she has been a breath of fresh air!  She helps me to remember that I am the best mom I can be when I have a break and she is even so bold to tell me when I need a break!  Its refreshing to have a different perspective and have someone there for me that can keep me grounded.  While I am sure my children drive her crazy sometimes, she is always willing to come to the house and endure the craziness that comes with my house.  I never feel like she is judging me and I know she is always there to listen.  I am so thankful that now when I need "me time" I feel less selfish because she is either there to indulge in time with me or reassure me that I am doing nothing wrong.


  1. think of it this way, if you don't recharge your batteries now and then can you really be giving your all to your family? everyone needs down time it is a very important part to leading a healthy and balanced life!!
