
Mommies in the park

My kids are loud, full of life, energetic, at times a little rough with the wrestling, and they really love to play with other children at the park.  They enjoy going and being able to go off on their own and play and I enjoy being able to sit and watch and be completely selfish for a little bit; enjoy some relaxing time because I know they are having fun.  So when we go to a park and I see mothers that are following their kids around on the playground narrating what is going on and constantly shouting "be careful" "not too fast" "watch out for_____!"  The first thing that comes to mind is "awwww shit!!!  This is going to completely suck!  Lets just get out of here alive!"  

I am all for playing with my kids at the park, I LOVE it! However, I don't love to play with them when there are OTHER children at the park...that is the main reason we came to the park right?  Outside time and some playtime with children their age.  Seems pretty obvious to me, but a lot of people just don't get it.  If my child comes over to me and wants me to push him in the swing, of course I will happily get up and play, but other than that they are left to play while I stretch, read a magazine, or steal a few bites of their snack.  I truly believe that children should be left to their own devices when interacting with peers.  They will not always have me there to help them interact, so why should I do it now?  We have a strict no tattling policy.  I don't care if little Johnny has had more than his fair share of time allotment on the swing!  Firstly, little Johnny is not my child, so there is no way in hell I will be THAT mother.  Secondly, the sooner my children realize that life is not fair and they need to just go with the flow, the better off they will be.  Unless my child is bleeding, hitting another child, or being disrespectful, I will NOT get involved.  Kids are going to argue about games, kids are going to fall and get hurt while playing, but in the process of all this chaos they actually make friends, have fun, and develop socially.

Where the problems start to happen is when these crazy women start to get in my parenting business. Here is a conversation that actually happened:
 I eventually heard from across the playground:

Crazy mother (CM)-"Um excuse me, your child is doing somersaults down the slide."
Me-  "Well, is my child anywhere near where your child is playing or preventing you and your child from doing an activity you want to be doing?"
CM- "No, but it looks dangerous."
Me- "I see him.  Its a 3 foot slide.  He will be fine."

This mother and her child leave the park...not sure why I pissed her off sooooo much, but she didn't like my somersaulting child one bit!  If the park was crowded and people were waiting for the slide I would be able to see the dilemma, but it was just us and her child.  Mind your own business please.

Here is another one, from a mother in Dallas who I actually thought we would get along with.

Max and this boy are playing Ninja turtles.  With an emphasis on the word NINJA, meaning they are playing with their actions figures, but mostly acting like ninjas themselves.  I figured that since the mom was sitting beside me and saw this going on she was ok with the ninja fighting of it all.  All is going great until a foot from Max's ninja kick actually connects with this poor guy's calf...probably hurt a little bit, but seriously, he is 4, I doubt it even leaves a bruise.  Max apologizes and asks if this kids wants a cookie to make him feel better and they continue on playing their game.  I think all is well....then suddenly Dallas mommy gets pissed at me!
 DM-"Your kid just kicked my kid!  Are you not going to do anything about it?!"
Me- "I'm sorry, I thought he was ok.  They are playing now."
DM- "Its not ok.  You can't just let your kid kick people."
Me- "I realize that, but he apologized and they are still playing.  I figured it was all ok."
DM- "Do you not put your child in time out for violent actions?"
Me- "They were playing Ninja Turtles!"

She was really really mad at me as well.  I didn't go make my child sit in time out or apologize AGAIN.  I just let them play.  She saw this as appalling and got up and moved to the other side of the playground...her loss, I'm a pretty fun person if you will just loosen up a bit, plus, not to brag too much, but I always have the best snacks at the park.  If she would have been nice, I probably would have shared lol.

I understand that there are different parenting philosophies out there. If you want to follow your child around the park narrating, go ahead.  For all I know he/she may suffer from some speech problems and you are using this as a fun time to increase his/her vocabulary.  Maybe you work and this is one of the only times you get to play and interact with your child.  I get it!  I am not the one calling you out on your parenting at the park.  I don't KNOW you, you don't KNOW me.  Can we please stop the mommy wars?!  When did being a mom become soooo controversial?  Maybe it is because I sometimes look younger than most moms at the park and they think they can walk all over me, or maybe these mothers just really think they are right all the time and they are educating me...not sure, but I am starting to feel like I need to take a Valium before we head to a crowded park.  If there is not drama with me and my kids, I can guarantee there will be drama between two other mamas!  Please take a chill pill Mamas!  Eat some of your kid's snack, you may just be hungry :)


  1. Oh wow. I've never really encountered that but I've had a mom get mad at me because William hit their kid. Come to find out, their kid was mean to my son everyday and called him a shit head. So I said I was sorry it came to my kid hitting theirs, but I've taught him to stand up for himself. She wasn't pleased with my answer. William would love to play with your boys! They sound so much alike.

  2. Anytime you want to set up a playdate just let me know!! I would love for our gets to play together :)
