
WebMD is not my friend!

Last weekend we found out that this little tiny bump that started out on Jerry's little belly and kept getting increasingly bigger was MRSA.  I also found out, once again, that WebMD is not my friend!  It also didn't help that the crazy bitch of a lady that called to tell me the results did it in the worst possible way:

CB (crazy bitch)- Hello, I need to speak with Mr. Samuelson immediately.
Me- He is at work right now, this is his wife can I give him a message?
CB- No I am not allowed to do that.  I need to speak with him immediately regarding his latest visit to the emergency room.  Please give me a number to contact him.
Me- Um, the person you are looking for is Jerry Samuelson and he is only 2, so I am pretty sure I am the best way you can contact him.
CB- Ok I didn't realize he was so young.  The culture results just came in and the results state that Mr. Samuelson does have a rapid growing case of MRSA.  This is potentially fatal and you need to get with your regular doctor immediately.  Have a nice day.
              And then she HANGS UP!!!

After spending  a few moments screaming at the phone and then crying in the closet over the word "fatal" I then realized "wait a minute...he is playing batman right now!  Lets google this shit!"  After spending several minutes looking on WebMD and not liking what I was reading at all, I started to get dizzy and overwhelmed.  A short panic attack later and I came to my senses that I should be calling somebody because WebMD and being prone to bouts of anxiety attacks have both proven me inadequate in this situation.  Luckily Reed was working in town so he came home and watched the kids while I made more appointments to get Jerry checked out. We had to be a the doctor in 2 hours, which gave me 30 minutes to bleach my entire house and linens....and my skin!  After taking a shower that felt like burned the first layer of my skin off (I was really up close and personal with this sore before we knew what it was!  Poking, washing, and yes...even smelling, a mother's work is very gross) and throwing everything in not only my washer but the one at my mom's house we were ready to go.

Turns out all the worry was for nothing!  We had caught it so early that the diameter of the whole thing was small enough that the antibiotics were getting rid of it and it was not spreading!  Thank God!  It still wasn't easy to hold my little guy down while they lanced open this disgusting sore not once, but TWICE! It sure wasn't easy holding him down while they packed it full of some type of gauze.  And it wasn't easy to not pass out in the Dr. office when they pulled that disgusting thing out of his body.  Very traumatic for the little guy and it is quickly making me get over a fear I didn't even know I had...the fear of holes in my child's body that constantly has to have bandages changed out and peroxide poured into.  It's seriously GROSS and SCARY!

Luckily he is getting much better and each time I have to change that bandage it is looking better and better.  His last day of antibiotics is Friday and the Dr.'s say it should be completely gone by then!  Isn't medicine wonderful?!!!  And if I am trying to find a bright side to this whole situation, I haven't been hungry for about 5 days!!  Looking at MRSA several times a day will make you never want to eat again lol.  Now we just have to wait out these antibiotics inside the house, because apparently you will break out in a terrible rash if you go outside while taking Bactrim.  So we will be lazy, watch too much tv, and try out every inside activity on pintrest until Friday, then we can hopefully get back to life as usual :)

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