After having children I am extremely hard on myself and my appearance. I hate the way my body has changed and still have a pair of impossibly small jeans hanging in my closet waiting for the day that I might wish my way into fitting into them. Then I have to remember that in a short 2 years I lost 112 pounds. That is something to be proud of, but it is hard to see past when I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and indulge in my sweet tooth. Now I can't even sample desserts without my midsection bloating up like a blimp. So the holiday season and I have a love/hate relationship. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the food and absolutely hate playing the battle of wills of deciding whether or not I should eat something.
Luckily, last year I found a way to keep the pounds off and still be able to enjoy the right amount of food without completely undoing a diet and so far it has seemed to work to work this year as well. Instead of breaking out the stretchy pants for our Thanksgiving day celebrations I bring out the tightest jeans I have...I mean serious muffin top if I am the least bit bloated...or sitting...or slouching. Everytime I sit down to take a bite I will remember exactly why I am only having a few bites just by looking down at my midsection. Then absolutely no sweats allowed for a whole week so I won't be tempted to snack around. Nothing puts motivation in me to workout and not eat terribly bad food than having to wear clothes that show too much imperfection.
I know I sound crazy most of the time, but what woman doesn't have moments where she hates her body?! I am slowly working on accepting the way I look and just be happy at the size I am, but it is of course a work in progress.
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