
Toddlers can say some cray things!

I think my boys are the funniest people I have ever been around!  I have no idea where they get it from and I especially have no idea where they come up with the things they say.

Lately, Max has been a bit rebellious and he is showing it in the craziest way.  Here is how a dialogue with a rebellious Max:

me- "Hey Max, would you like something to eat?
Max-"Nah.  Lets gobble cookies."
me- "How about lets decided either apples or grapes."
Max-"No mom! Max can't eat grapes-apples no NEVER!"

Everything is "No NEVER!"  This word "never" has just come out of the blue and I don't even remember saying it around him, so I am not sure how he even heard it.  He says it with such conviction that it is pretty humorous and takes everything I have not to crack up laughing...especially when "never" is not even a close to appropriate response to a question or situation.  Such as, anytime Jerry does something Max is not a fan of, Max's response is, "No Jerry NEVER!" and just walks away.  No idea what this "never" is that he is referring to, but as soon as he says it, he is pretty much over it.

"Awe I miss you miss me"
     Translation: I miss you

"But I lobe it"
     Translation: Max really suddenly has an intense love for something, especially if you just told him no about it.

"Awe so happy you me are."
     Translation:  This is a tough one coming from my little Yoda.  Sometimes he means he is so happy and then sometimes he means I should be happy for whatever he just did.  It can also mean he or me will be so happy if we do something.

"I stuck in the gooeys honeys"
    Translation: He means to say, "I'm stuck in the gooey honey." Which he uses when he doesn't want to move or do something I ask.  He is suddenly stuck in honey and can't do what I ask.

*of course Max has a ton of funny phrases, but as I sit down to write this I am forgetting all of them.  I'm sure I will be reminded very very soon.*

Jerry is really stuck on the phrase "Help me!"  He uses it for any and every situation.  He says it really loudly and very determined.  It is impossible to ignore, which is probably his point.  He is also saying "awe its cute" for anything he likes.  Tonight at supper his mashed potatoes was "awe its cute."  And Jerry has a completely fail safe response for everything...he simply repeats the last word you say and then says "right."

me-"Jerry do you want to take a bath."
Jerry-"bath right."

me-"Is it breakfast time?"
Jerry-"Breakfast right."

Who can argue with a response like that?!

Jerry is a man of few words, but he always seems to get his point across.

My Happy Little Man
Max playing "Kitties dress up."

1 comment:

  1. This is cute. I have been doing a similar thing lately - for our Lifeways training we have to journal about a child for 4 months, and I have a 2 year old in my's true they do say some cray cray things!! LOL. I'm sure his mama will be happy to receive that at the end of the training. Great post!
