
An emotional Fidget

Fidget....such a weird word, yet something I accuse my kids of doing all the time.  If I were to describe my kids actions, I would say 90% of the time it would be best described as a fidget.

I have found that I am very guilty of fidgeting, however, it is in a different way.  I have a lot of emotional fidgeting going on, especially the last 3 days.  A big ball of edginess, slightly discontent, and honestly a little bored.  Having a huge list of things I "need" to be doing:

Fold the laundry 

Clean the bathrooms

Read that book to the kids they have been begging to read

Build that master lego project ( I HATE legos!!!) 

Probably should shave my legs this week

Get those stains out of Reed's work jeans

Buy the kids new shoes (seriously all 3 need new shoes) 

I REALLY need some serious attention for my hair.  Salon day please!

And I have a huge list of thing I "want" which is just too much to even begin to describe.  I have high aspirations for my family, nothing wrong with that.  What is wrong with these feelings is that I feel like I am never content.  I find myself fidgeting around in my brain and thinking about the "somedays."  It usually goes something like this:
"someday we can have....."
"someday we could do...."
"someday we will be able to...."

About half way through the someday thoughts one of my kids will run/walk/wobble their way over to me, crawl up in my lap with their favorite book and remind me that I should just STOP!  Remind me that I should just enjoy what we have now because we won't have it again.  Who cares if we don't have everything I think we "need" or "want" because as far as I see my kids are very happy with what we are doing now.  I never hear them say "someday."  So, once again my kids are teaching me something.  

Kids are masters a living in the moment.  I can sit on the trampoline and watch my kids light up at the sight of shoes bouncing around as they pretend that the shoes are alligators or snakes and they jump over and around them.  They are the happiest they have been all day...playing with SHOES!  How can I keep this complete content innocence?  How can I make sure they always enjoy life this much?  How can I enjoy life this much?  

I am going to make a huge effort to just STOP.  

Stop thinking about things I want.
     There is nothing wrong with having goals and dream and working towards these things, but I have got to quit thinking about them so much

Stop thinking about things that are not that important.
      Nobody really cares if there are chocolate milk streaks across the white kitchen cabinets.

Stop lusting after things or situations I can't possibly have or do at the moment.
Hopefully my kids will keep helping remind me to just be content.

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