With 3 children under the age of 4 I would be lying if I didn't say that I get pretty stressed sometimes. Everyday I have to wake up thinking only half of what I wanted to get done will get done, nothing will go as planned, and I'm gonna be a little tired. Then I have to be ok with that. Most days I am completely ok with that, but every now and then we will have a day that everything has to go as planned, such as a dr visit, travel days, or something like family visits. On these type of days I tend to not have as much patience as I should and that is when I feel like the worst parent ever. Getting anything done quickly with 3 children ( 2 of which I like to call non-walkers...Yes Jerry can walk, but that doesn't mean he should, his level of distraction is dangerous) is impossible. Here is the typical situation that tends to happened every single time when are on a time crunch.
Ok we have 10 minutes to get loaded in the car and driving out of the carport. Kids are dressed, diaper bag packed, and I even have my keys in my hands. Ok time for shoes. My children HATE shoes (just like me ) and we prefer to be barefooted all the time and we are unless we have to go to town. Time to find the shoes and not just any shoes, Max only has one pair he will wear and Jerry is the same way. After we search under couches, beds, closets, we finally realize the shoes are in the car because the boys always take their shoes off as soon as we drive on our driveway ( so really this is my fault because I always forget we leave them in the car.)

Ok great now I have just said one of their favorite words "shit" and they just love to show me how they can say it at the worst times and I have yelled at my kids twice in less than 10 minutes. Worst parent award right here. Then Max looks at me with sad eyes and says "mama please talk nicely to me, its hurts my feelins." Which is something I tell him all the time when he talks meanly to anyone (which he obviously learned from me) and it always works he immediately feels bad. I feel so bad for what I did and start to cry because I never want to hurt my children's feelings, I'm over tired, overwhelmed, and lets not forget now we are late. I crawl in the car give everyone hugs, tell them I am so sorry and I was very wrong to talk to them that way and its never ok to do that. Finally get everyone buckled in and then I finally get in the car, look at the clock and we are of course leaving late, look in the mirror to back up and I have mascara lines down my face from crying. Take a few more minutes to fix that and turn on some happy music. Then I spend the rest of the drive praying for more patience with my children and then thinking how early I need to get up to avoid this whole situation next time.
Now that Max remembers everything, I know he is going to remember this and I can't get it out of my mind. I set a terrible example, lost my temper, used a word I shouldn't, and probably looked like a psycho in the process. From yelling to crying in less than 2 minutes...psycho! So the next time Max looses his temper, can I really punish him when I did the same thing? How do you keep from loosing your temper and running out of patience with your children? And when you inevitably do, how do you explain that and make up for it?